Special Operation Bureau (S.O.B)
This Unit is under the supervision of Commissioner General of Excise. And been administered by the Commissioner of Excise(low enforcement). Superintendent of Excise, 04 Excise Inspectors including an Excise Officer In-charge and a staff of 15 other officers are engaged in this Unit. This Unit bears the responsibility of curbing all excise crimes in all areas in addition to Excise Stations through out the Island.
The Narcotics Unit
The Narcotic Unit established for the enforcement of law under the Poisons, Opium and Dangerous Drugs ordinance is in operation at D.R Wijewardena Mawatha, Colombo 10. This Unit operates under the supervision of a Superintendent of Excise and consisting of an Officer In-charge of Excise, another 03 Excise Inspectors, Excise Sergeant Major, Excise Corporal, Excise Driver Guard and other officers.